#017: Tinnitus: A Story of Trauma & Triumph with Sandy Nizzi

Season #1

Sandy Nizzi had 20+ years working in the natural products industry and never realized just how helpful that experience would be until a completely freak accident at a sporting arena forever changed the trajectory of her future life!! Although she had a successful career in sales and enjoyed climbing the career ladder, her true passion had always been mentoring and guiding people in living a healthy and active lifestyle. So now, Sandy incorporates these same modalities she loves coaching on into her own healing journey and she gets to work with others who have a similar passion for being their own self-advocate for health, healing and complete wellness! Sandy’s story will inspire you and give you actionable tips for how you can improve your Tinnitus and YOUR overall health starting now!

Sandy Nizzi's Links:
Podcast – The Well Aligned
Website – www.thewellaligned.com
IG - https://www.instagram.com/thewellalignedcareer/
Resources: Examples of what Tinnitus Sounds like:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rT2Q82Q1E4 https://www.medicspot.co.uk/treatment…
https://www.medicspot.co.uk/health-guides/tinnitus www.tinnitushub.com https://youtu.be/Ke2BopotSIU?si=NN9TStbNyxhDZ7ka - BUZZ

Tinnitus Sound Therapy (Intro/Commercial runs to about the 3:00 mark) https://youtu.be/V3jrNmrP-ic?si=9d0v8a03aLOlQBvp -
Tinnitus Sound Masking (the soothing sound of moving water)

Lisa Roers's Liinks: 
https://open.spotify.com/show/6v4G7UaEnAkKrjfKPwvR3Q?si=b9209c87e7604193 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sunshine-cafe-real-stories-real-people-real-encouragement/id1718168011


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